Medina Emergency Radio Response Team (MERRT)

Thank you for your service to your neighbors and to the city of Medina by volunteering to hold and manage a VHF public service radio for use in a disaster or major emergency.  On Sunday nights at 7:00 P.M. you will have an opportunity to learn and practice efficient and practical radio skills, so that when an emergency occurs, you will be prepared.

In 2007, several of the licensed amateur radio operators in Medina began an emergency traffic network (“net”).  The group expanded our mission: volunteering our skills to assist and support you in the use of your public service radio by establishing a similar regular net meeting for you and fellow radio volunteers, the Medina Public Service Radio Group, now known as the Medina Emergency Radio Response Team (MERRT).

The purpose of a net exercise is to provide a controlled meeting of stations having business to conduct (in this instance, preparation and practice in emergency communications).  The net is directed by an exercise leader who coordinates and directs the meeting.

A net format, or schedule of operation, is established to insure the orderly flow of intended business, and to help stations participating on a regular basis to know the order of business to be expected. The net format is established by the exercise leader and sets the business sequence. If the leader does his or her job properly, all stations having traffic to pass will get their chance in an orderly fashion.

By setting and keeping regular meeting times, the net becomes a known quantity. Stations with radio traffic can count on there being a regular means at a regular time for passing their traffic.

The key to successful net operation is order and discipline. “Net Control” (the net exercise leader) bears a large responsibility in this regard, but the individual station checking into the net must know the correct operating methods for the exercise leader to maintain smooth operation. An operator not familiar with normal net operation methods can disrupt the flow. The role of the leader is obviously very important, but, as in the case of the orchestra leader and players, the individual operator is just as much a part of the team.

Participating in a well-run traffic net and having all your business handled efficiently is a rewarding experience, and a lot of fun. When the exercise leader and participating stations know the words used, and how to respond, the net goes smoothly.

On Sunday nights, the Medina Emergency Radio Response Team has a weekly radio exercise at 7:00 PM, using city-issued public service radios on channel 1.
Medina citizens, public officials and city staff holding public service radios are encouraged to check in.  This test ensures the equipment is operational and is an opportunity to practice the most efficient communication format for use in an actual emergency.

Immediately following the exercise, at approximately 7:05 - 7:15 PM, the Medina Amateur Radio Emergency Net (MAREN), open to all licensed amateur radio operators, convenes on tactical frequency 146.560 (simplex).
If you or someone you know might be interested in obtaining a radio and in participating on the radio team (MERRT), contact Medina Police Capt. Austin Gidlof, at 425.233.6430.