Boards and Commissions

The City has several ways for residents to volunteer their time in service to their community.

Planning Commission

The city planning commission consists of seven members appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the council.
The term of office of each member is four years. Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of term are filled for the unexpired terms.
The members are selected in an effort to represent a cross-section of the community thinking and they serve without compensation. 

The city council may refer to the planning commission, for its recommendation and report, any ordinance, resolution or other proposal to the commission and in return, they provide recommendations to the council deemed proper.

Parks & Recreation Board

The parks and recreation board, consists of seven regular voting members, to provide guidance in meeting the parks and recreational needs of the city by advising the city council and staff on matters relating to planning, acquisition, development and operation of city park facilities and recreational programs.

The parks and recreation board is responsible for providing guidance concerning the following matters:

  • Comprehensive park planning.
  • Acquisition of park land and/or facilities.
  • Development, design and operation of parks and recreation programming and facilities.
  • Use fees and procedures for collecting fees.
  • Park, play field and facility design.
  • Capital improvements planning.
  • Regulations and restrictions governing the hours of park and facilities use.
  • Concessions.
  • Contracts, interlocal agreements, and lease agreements regarding parks and recreation activities.
  • Proposed annual budget for the acquisition, development and operation of parks and recreation facilities and programs.
  • All matters as may from time to time be referred to the parks and recreation board by the city council or the city manager.

Civil Service Commission

Members of the civil service commission are appointed by the city manager with the approval of the city council. If the city manager has recommended three persons for appointment to a particular position, none of whom have been approved by the city council, then he may select the appointee from among the number so recommended for appointment.