City of Medina Social Media Policy
The City of Medina uses various tools to communicate and share information with the public, including Social Media. To address the fast-changing landscape of the Internet and the way residents obtain information online, the City may use Social Media to reach a broader audience. The City encourages the use of Social Media to further the goals of the City and the missions of its departments where appropriate. However, the overarching purpose of the City’s Social Media sites is to convey information focused on City issues, projects, news, and events. The City’s Social Media sites are not intended to be a public forum. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the City’s use of Social Media to communicate and share information with the public. Nothing in this policy is intended to prohibit or infringe upon any communication, speech or expression that is protected or privileged under law.
The following provisions govern the City’s use of Social Media:
- The City may establish and maintain Social Media (MSM) sites on behalf of the City as a tool to supplement communications with the public. The official website will remain the City’s primary source of online communications and information. MSM sites may supplement, not replace, the City’s required notices and standard methods of communication.
- The best and most appropriate City uses of social media are:
- As channels for disseminating time-sensitive information as quickly as possible (example: emergency information), and;
- As communications/outreach tools that increase the City’s ability to provide messages to the widest possible audience.
- The best and most appropriate City uses of social media are:
- Social media sites currently approved for City use are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Additional MSM may be approved in writing by the City Manager.
- Only Designated Posters are permitted to post on behalf of the City.
- Posts should reflect information that is already available on the City’s website. Whenever possible, content or messages posted on MSM should include a link directing users back to the City’s website.
- Designated Posters shall not comment or interact on MSM in a personal capacity; all viewpoints provided on MSM shall reflect the City’s viewpoints. Once posted by the City, such content can be shared by a personal account, if applicable.
- Designated Posters shall comment in an official capacity only to the extent and on the specific MSM that they are expressly authorized to comment.
- All commenting functions on MSM will be turned off or disengaged.
- A link to the City’s website and contact information (phone number and address) shall be posted to all MSM sites.
- In order to meet requirements of Section 508 Accessibility Rights and make electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities, posts that include photos and/or videos shall include text describing the photo or video.
- The City reserves the right to delete posts not in compliance with this Policy or as otherwise deemed unacceptable by the City Manager based on other applicable laws, rules, or regulations. Any content removed based on these restrictions shall be retained, including the date and time of the posting and the identity of the person posting (if available). Prohibited content includes but is not limited to:
- Content not topically related to the content being commented upon.
- Political statements, including comments that endorse or oppose political candidates or ballot propositions, are prohibited under state law (RCW 42.52.180).
- Posts or comments that include profane, vulgar, offensive, threatening, or harassing language or content.
- Content and/or language that promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination of any kind.
- Posts or comments that include obscene or sexual content or links to sexual content.
- Posts or comments that promote or advertise commercial services, entities, or products.
- Content that encourages or constitutes illegal activity.
- Content or information that may compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems.
- Content that violates or appears to infringe upon legal ownership interest of another party.
- Libelous and/or slanderous content.
- Content that is confidential or may otherwise violate privacy rights.
- Public Records Act and Retention policies relating to MSM are as follows:
- All MSM postings that relate to the functional responsibility of the recipient or sender as a public employee constitutes a public record. Such records are subject to the State of Washington public records laws under the Public Records Act (RCW 42.56). Any content maintained in a social media format that is related to City business, including a list of subscribers and posted communication, is a public record.
- Each Designated Poster is responsible for responding completely and accurately to any public records request related to the City’s use of MSM, as applicable. Content related to City business shall be maintained in an accessible format so that it can be produced in response to a request and shall be retained for a period not less than required by the Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE). Whenever possible, such sites shall clearly indicate that any content posted or submitted for posting is subject to public disclosure. Users shall be notified that public disclosure requests must be directed to the City’s Public Disclosure Officer.
- Washington State law and relevant City records retention schedules apply to social media formats and social media content. The department maintaining a given MSM shall preserve records required to be maintained pursuant to a relevant records retention schedule for the required retention period on a server format that preserves the integrity of the original record and is easily accessible.
- The City may use the services of a third-party archiving service to capture MSM records.